Continual Technical Assistance and Independent Evaluation of the Trade Health Education and Microfinance Programme (THEMP), International Institute for Local Development – IILD (2017)

Continual Technical Assistance and Independent Evaluation of the Trade Health Education and Microfinance Programme (THEMP), International Institute for Local Development – IILD (2017)

THEMP is IILD’s flagship intervention. It is a multi-country, multi-sector, long-term participatory development programme focusing on selected qualified agricultural sectors. It is to be implemented with regional development partners with the purpose of poverty alleviation among rural poor households and regional economic growth in participating republics in Africa. 

The trade platform of the programme will utilize revolving private and public credit funds to profitably invest in enterprises, promoting inclusive value chains in agricultural sectors of comparative advantage and be designed to engage with local populations to ensure positive impact at scale upon rural household levels, applying international quality of life standards to secure expansion of health, education and finance services, according to derived needs, to all living within a specific ecological region. 

THEMP will be implemented initially in Nigeria, and subsequently in 12 other countries in Africa, in specific, initial qualified sectors that include cashew, cassava, cocoa, cotton, groundnut, maize and sorghum. 

Mbani Development has been involved in all of the stages of the preparation of the THEMP and has, in a 10-year agreement (2017-2027) been engaged to continually conduct a wide range of supportive services including feasibility studies, sector-wide and agro-logistics assessments, baseline and follow-on surveys, as well as impact evaluation across the sectors, states, regions and countries of operations, to report on programme feasibility, progress and impact.